It is the day of the Bobcats Distance Family Fun Run, almost feels like a game day! We wanted to break it down into easy quick steps for those who have signed up and those who are still wanting to get involved!
1. Sign Up
2. Join our Facebook event then click on “going”
“Bobcats Distance Family Fun Run”
3. Pick your distance and location with social distance practice. Enjoy your walk – run – or bike of your prefered distance! Make sure to dress accordingly depending on what city you are in with spring weather! Take a bottle of water for hydration! Most of all we want you to have fun no matter the distance you are going, if you are exercising with family be sure to enjoy their presence! Know you are apart of an event coming together today to be active and are helping out amazing programs! Defining what a TEAM is!
4. Take a Selfie
Post the selfie into the Facebook event, if you do not have Facebook email us at
Tag us on any social media @lloydbobcats and us the hashtag #FamilyFunRun
5. Enjoy the rest of your day and have an amazing weekend!
We thank everyone who is participating with us, as well the prize sponsors, and First Truck Centre for their generous donation! Prizes, along with all totals will be announced on Monday morning!
We are #BorderCityBuilt!