Bobcats and LMHA Partnership

Lloydminster, AB – The Lloydminster Bobcats in partnership with Lloydminster Minor Hockey Association are looking to create a Drill and Tactical Bank for local youth hockey coaches. This comes in partnership after the Lloydminster Minor Hockey hosted coaches seminars and round tables in the new year to develop local minor hockey coaches. “We believe this is the starting grounds for us to continue to build on the relationship with minor hockey coaches and provide resources which are local” added Bobcats General Manager Nigel Dube.

The purpose of the drill and tactical bank is to create a resource for minor hockey coaches from U7 all the way up to U18. A place where coaches can look at different drills, strategies, tactical, and small area games plans. “Understanding there are great resources for drills online and in a variety of areas, we believe this will help engage our coaches together and help grow, which in turn will help the athletes on the ice, it will also allow the coaches to take a hard copy home” added Dube.

The Lloydminster Minor Hockey Association continues to grow in partnership with the Bobcats on and off the ice, “coaching development is not just about honing skills, but also about building strong partnerships within the community. The collaboration between Bobcats and local coaches creates an environment where knowledge and experience are shared, leading to growth and success of not only the coaches but also the athletes they guide” stated Minor Hockey General Manager Dan Auchenberg.

The Drills and Tactical Bank is an open invite for coaches to share their favorite drills and systems, which will then be available at both the Bobcats and Minor Hockey office moving forward in the future. Coaches are encouraged to share at the email below.

The Lloydminster Bobcats organization is proud to partner with Lloydminster Minor Hockey Association and the Lloydminster Elite Hockey Division.

To share your drills, please email them to