2014 Summer Hockey School
Week 1: August 5 to 8
Week 2: August 11 to 14
Pee Wee
The Bobcats summer hockey school is led by coaches Garry VanHereweghe & Gord Thibodeau who have developed numerous Midget AAA, Junior A, WHL, NCAA, and NHL players. The curriculum is designed to ensure learning in a fun, safe, and positive environment.
Other instructors include former players, current players, and highly-specialized on-ice instructors. All sessions will have a minimum of five instructors on the ice at all times.
*Past guest instructors include current NHLers Braden Holtby (pictured right) and David Dziurzynski*
Sessions include: power skating, skills and drills, dryland training, classroom chalk talk, and conditioning activities.
The cost is $350.00 per week or $650.00 for both weeks.
Two or more participants (same family): $325 per participant per week (please submit forms together).
Summer Hockey School will take place entirely at the Bobcats home rink, the Centennial Civic Centre (5405 – 49th Avenue).
Registration form download: CLICK HERE
*Students registered prior to JULY 1st will have their Bobcats jersey customized with name & number free of charge*
All registration forms can be faxed, mailed, emailed, or dropped off at the Bobcats head office.
Mailing Address:
Box 1122
Lloydminster, SK
S9V 1E9
Physical Address:
4419 52nd Avenue (Community Services Building)
Lloydminster, AB
T9V 0Y8
Fax: 780.808.2616
Tel: 780.871.0900
E-mail: admin@lloydminsterbobcats.com
2014 Summer & Fall Conditioning Camps
This is your chance to get on the ice with Bobcats coaching staff and players prior to minor hockey evaluations.
The Bobcats conditioning camps are led by coaches Garry VanHereweghe & Gord Thibodeau who have developed numerous Midget AAA, Junior A, WHL, NCAA, and NHL players. Other instructors include former players, current players, and highly-specialized on-ice instructors.
Sessions are focused on getting players into prime skating condition prior to minor hockey evaluations.
Summer conditioning camp for bantam and midget aged players will take place from August 5th to 8th and again from the 11th to the 14th at the Centennial Civic Centre.
Fall conditioning camps for all age groups take place from early September to October. Atom, Peewee, Bantam, and Midget groups skate in early September at the Centennial Civic Center. Initiation and Novice will follow in early October at the Russ Robertson Arena.
Fall conditioning camp dates will be announced in the coming weeks.
Summer Conditioning
Bantam Week 1 August 5th to 8th 7:15PM to 8:15PM
Week 2 August 11th to 14th 7:15PM to 8:15PM
Midget Week 1 August 5th to 8th 8:30PM to 9:30PM
Week 2 August 11th to 14th 8:30PM to 9:30PM